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Beautiful Feet Ministries

Social Committee Outreach: Beautiful Feet Ministries

On Friday, December 14th, about 6 pm CST, the Crowley Seventh-day Adventist Church embarked on what was hopefully the first of a new tradition. In the spirit of Christmas and representing Christ to our community, we joined with other like-minded groups from around the metro-plex in an effort of bringing Christ into as many homes as possible in the form of caroling, gift giving and prayer.

Since the mid 80's Beautiful Feet Ministries has taken on the burden of reaching the homeless of Fort Worth where they are by providing them with free medical, dental, and vision services as well as food, shelter and friendship. By the 90's it was obvious that these services were needed by more than just the homeless and the they took on new goals. For many years now Beautiful Feet, together with groups from around the area have taken to the low-income neighborhoods of Fort Worth during Christmas, bringing gifts, singing Christmas carols and praying for blessings for each household visited.

This year we joined them with not just 1 group, but 2. You, Crowley SDA congregation, were so generous with your gifts that we were able to go beyond the assigned neighborhoods and reach even more families.

As previously stated we hope this year was the beginning of a new tradition for our church with the end goal of having our own like ministry for our immediate community. Please pray that we will be led in the right direction and our efforts be blessed as we plan ahead to year two.

For Information on Beautiful Feet Ministies, click here.

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